Friday, July 12, 2013

Low and possibly mid 90's on the way for next week

NORTHERN MICHIGAN -- We set the table for another dry and warm weekend before some real heat gets in here next week. In fact, it looks like the hottest temperatures of the year will arrive early/mid part of next week.
High pressure has been in control of our weather since late Wednesday leading to warm sunny days and cool crisp nights. That will remain the case Friday into our weekend although winds will return southerly which will start to warm things up even more and by late weekend, start to pump back the muggy conditions northward into the Upper Great Lakes.
There will be no rain across the region this weekend into Monday for that matter. There is a cold front that will attempt to work in, but it will stall out and get hung up across Minnesota and not make it any further. That will be the closest any thunderstorms will come. Temperatures Saturday will be in the low/mid-80's with mid-80's on Sunday.
The real heat gets in here starting Monday as the heat will build into the middle part of the week. Daytime highs Monday will be in the upper-80's/low-90's with low and even mid-90's possible in places Tuesday into Wednesday. It will be much cooler right along the immediate shoreline of the Great Lakes. The humidity will also climb with dew points getting close to 70F next week allowing the heat index to perhaps crack 100F (what it will feel like).
The best shot at any thunderstorms will hold off until next Thursday when these is some consensus that a cold front will arrive.